Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Up Side to Bandwith Limits...

There has been a lot of talk regarding net neutrality and bandwidth limits for cellular markets and home Internet use. I will have to agree that as a whole they suck. Having said that, i think there will be a bright side to this. What could that possibly be? Simple. It will speed up the Internet. I know what you're thinking, "well duh! That's the whole point". The providers say the limits will cut down on the amount of traffic thereby making things faster. I think that rather than cutting down on the traffic content providers and designers will instead streamline their websites and limit all of the bandwidth hungry graphics, functions, and animations that slow down a site. Think about it, a graphics intensive site today loads on a DSL connection at about the same rate a simple graphics clear site would have loaded on a dial up connection 10 years ago. As connections have grown faster, content providers have added more bandwidth hungry content thereby slowing connection and leading to faster connections in a constant cycle.  With the upcoming bandwidth limits, content providers will be forced to tone down their sites in an attempt to keep their visitors. Think about, let's say you have 200MB of data usage and you want to check out 5 different sites, if each of those sites takes 50MB of data to access then your screwed. Sites 1-4 are happy because they got your traffic, site 5 is out of luck. If those sites could slim themselves down to 25MB they would get more hits and people would be happier with the faster upload times.

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