Saturday, April 9, 2011

Packard Bell's New Tablet

Packard Bells is showing off its new Liberty Tab. You can head on over to the good people of Engadget for the details. It does look very pretty though. The problem I'm having with tablets at the moment is that we are currently in a "tablet boom" kind of like the PC or Laptop booms of the '90s. The tablet technology is still too new, they still haven't really figured out to stream line the process and the pricing is still up in the air. Remember back in the '90s when every computer that came out was obsolete in roughly 3 months? Well that's where we currently are with tablets. The hardware, software, and processes still haven't been hammered out. Currently we're seeing new and improved versions of tablets that haven't even been released yet. There are tablets being released in a few months that already have their successors being advertised. My point in this brief rant is; unless you really really want a tablet, because lets face it nobody needs one, and you have the extra money lying around to blow on one, you should wait until all the dust settles and the novelty of the devices wears off a bit.

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